International Guest Scholarships 2024-2025 in USA

International Guest Scholarships 2024-2025

Promoting global cooperation and knowledge sharing is essential as the world grows more interconnected. Institutions all across the world are providing sought-after opportunities like the International Guest Scholarships 2024–2025 in recognition of the value of global perspectives in academia. With the help of this scholarship, academics from all over the world will be able to participate in cross-cultural learning opportunities, enhancing international research and teaching.

International Guest Scholarships 2024-2025 from the American College of Surgeons are available to young surgeons from non-US or non-Canadian nations who have shown a great interest in research and teaching. The $10,000 scholarships give each scholar the chance to visit clinical, teaching, and research activities in the United States and Canada. They also allow the scholars to attend and fully participate in the American College of Surgeons Clinical Congress’s educational opportunities and activities.

The initial funding for this scholarship endowment came from the estate of former College Director Paul R. Hawley, MD (FACS Hon). More recently, contributions to the International Guest Scholarship endowment from the Stavros Niarchos Foundation, the family of Abdol Islami, MD (FACS), and other donors have made it possible for the college to expand the number of scholarship.

Overview of the Scholarship

An esteemed program, the International Guest Scholarships aim to draw exceptional academics, researchers, and professionals from a range of backgrounds. These scholarships are an investment in creating a cooperative and welcoming learning environment, as well as evidence of the host institution’s dedication to global education.


  • Candidates must be medical school graduates who have finished their surgical residency.
  • Candidates must be under 50 but at least 35 years old on the day the completed application is submitted.
  • Applications must be submitted from the applicant’s planned permanent address. Only after completing all formal training, including fellowships and scholarships, and after the
  • Applicants have been in surgical practice, teaching, or research for a minimum of one year at their desired permanent location, will applications be processed.
  • Candidates need to have proven that they are dedicated to teaching and/or research in line with national requirements.
  • Early careerists are thought to be more qualified than individuals holding senior academic positions.
  • It is not necessary for applicants to be ACS members.
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Basic Requirements

  • The application form that can be found on the College’s website must be filled out completely by applicants. The application needs to be submitted in English, together with any supporting documents. Sending in just a curriculum vitae is not appropriate.
  • In addition to submitting three complete publications (manuscripts or reprints) of their choice from that list, applicants must also submit a list of all of their publications.
  • Applicants who have never had training or a surgical fellowship in the United States or Canada may be given preference.
  • Three of the applicant’s coworkers must provide separately written letters of recommendation. A minimum of one letter needs to come from the chair of the department where they are employed as an academic or from a Fellow of the American College of Surgeons who lives in their nation. A particular statement outlining the applicant’s teaching experience and other academic activity should be included in the chair’s or fellow’s letter. Recommendation letters ought to be sent by the individual offering the advice.
  • The online application form is designed to help both the candidate and the Scholarship Selection Subcommittee submit a well-organized curriculum vitae.
  • It is mandatory to use the International Guest Scholarships 2024-2025 within the specified year. They can’t wait to happen.
  • After their tours are over, applicants who are given International Guest Scholarships 2024-2025 will submit a comprehensive written report detailing the experiences they had made possible by the awards.
  • An applicant who is not selected may reapply only twice, and only if they complete and submit a fresh application with updated supporting materials.
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Application Deadline


Applications must be submitted by August 18 at 11:59 p.m. CT. The International Relations Committee and the ACS Division of Member Services shall mutually decide who will be the surgeon.

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